lunedì 21 marzo 2011

mercoledì 23 febbraio 2011

ESSERE non essere

essere non ESSERE

Awer, Moog (Daniele Girolamo), Pin, Carotì, Tenia, ShineRoyal

ESSERE non essere____SHOW
Venerdi 4 marzo\\\\\\\\\\\\\
h 20.00\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
@scalo S. Donato, via Larga 49, Bologna

mercoledì 16 febbraio 2011

Jump up


Another one wall on Bari streets!check it

Tekno robot


Under the bridge along Polignano a mare's railway, mosters growing up.
This pic is just half wall, the 2nd half is with grandmaster PIN :)

some draws for MattiaFagnoni



Some draws sended to Mattia Fagnoni Onlus, for help young Mattia!!!
Big event with a supasupa show, and a live painting coming soon:



Check this big wall with my friends PIN and NOCCI
@ Tarantoff street event!
On december 2010 a lot of artist paint the streets of Taranto old city,
the onlyone italian abbandoned old city town!!
New event coming soon on this spring!

lunedì 20 dicembre 2010


dancefloor's victim 2

dancefloor's victim 1



check it@fabrica fluxus
via celentano 39